country: Sudan


The Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices affecting the Health of Women and Children (IAC) is an international and African regional umbrella body that has been working on policy programmes and actions to eliminate Harmful Traditional Practices in the African Region and worldwide.

Le Comité interafricain sur les pratiques traditionnelles affectant la santé des femmes et des enfants (IAC) est un organisme international et régional africain qui a travaillé sur des programmes et des actions politiques visant à éliminer les pratiques traditionnelles néfastes dans la région africaine et dans le monde entier.

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Sudan did not ratify the Maputo Protocol, but signed on June, 2008.  According to Article 29 (2:b) of the 2008 National Election Act,‘twenty five per cent of the women members shall be elected on the basis of proportional representation at the state level from separate and closed partylists’. Voters vote for only one women’s list of their choice. Only parties whose women’s lists clear the 4% threshold qualify to access seats reserved for women. Seats are allocated according to proportional representation among these parties. Furthermore, ‘the seats designated to women’s lists shall be won by the candidates of those lists

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