region: Central Africa

Women’s Counselling and Information Centre (WCIC)

Le Women’s Counselling and Information Centre (WCIC) s’inscrit dans le paysage assez varié des associations et ONG qui oeuvrent pour la protection et la promotion des droits des femmes au Cameroun.

The Women’s Counselling and Information Centre (WCIC) is part of the diverse landscape of associations and NGOs working for the protection and promotion of women’s rights in Cameroon.

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SOAWR 2020 Journal

“The Solidarity for African Women’s Rights (SOAWR) Coalition is pleased to share some of our memorable moments from 2020. With the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, organizations had to repurpose their interventions and adapt to the “new ways” of working that were necessitated by the constraints imposed by the Pandemic. Indeed, many organizations had to redefine, adapt and even restructure their operations. As we take stock of what the SOAWR Coalition did in 2020, we do so against the backdrop of this reality. As you read this Journal, you will appreciate that in spite of the challenges and uncertainties, the

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Women’s Advocacy and Communication Network (WANET), (ancien FEMNET-CAMEROUN), est un réseau Camerounais de femmes basé à Douala – Cameroun. Il a pour mission de promouvoir le leadership collectif des femmes Camerounaises pour l’égalité, l’éducation à la paix et le développement durable.

Women’s Advocacy and Communication Network (WANET), (formerly FEMNET-CAMEROON), is a Cameroonian women’s network based in Douala – Cameroon. Its mission is to promote the collective leadership of Cameroonian women for equality, peace education and sustainable development.

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